by Elizabeth | Jul 19, 2017 | ellAdele photography, Weddings
Where do I even begin with this post? Well, it has been a crazy couple of weeks for ellAdele photography. Life has been far from boring around here which has made it difficult to get a lot of things done, but I am finally getting around to finishing up the loose ends...
by Elizabeth | Jul 19, 2016 | ellAdele photography, Engagement
As a business owner and photographer you have those people that have watched you grow from a small following and to be honest a not so good photographer, to what you have become today. They have seen how your art has changed, they love everything you produce, and...
by Elizabeth | Jun 29, 2016 | ellAdele photography, Weddings
One year ago I met this sweet couple totally in love and beyond genuine. Within that year that couple bought a house, were surprised with a sweet baby boy, and finally, on Saturday they tied the knot. Normally I do not see my couples as much as I did with Carissa and...
by Elizabeth | Jun 13, 2016 | ellAdele photography, Weddings
Chelsea’s mom said it absolutely perfectly in her speech, there were over 250 guests and each of them were Chelsea and Adam’s village. With the speeches on Saturday, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. Chelsea’s dad who passed away in February...
by Elizabeth | Jun 8, 2016 | ellAdele photography, Weddings
Giggles, so many giggles on Saturday! Lindsay was literally glowing the whole entire day and Bryant melted my heart when he saw Lindsay during the first look. Even when I shot their engagement session Lindsay glowed, you can tell these two make each other extremely...