Chelsey+Randy .SpringWedding.

My first wedding of the season was so wonderful! My off season this year has literally been me in my studio working away at everything but photography. I never thought going into business that I would be setting the camera down for most of the time running ellAdele...

Emily+Daniel .ByronE-Session.

Emily and Daniel showed me their favorite spots last weekend, and it was such a blast! We started at the Byron Motorsports track which is a place I was new to and ended at Prairie View Golf course. With our weather, we had the chance for rain but luckily the rain held...
Jade+Brennan .OrchardRidgeFarms.

Jade+Brennan .OrchardRidgeFarms.

Walking into The Copperstone, on Friday the 23rd was one of the best days that week. Jade was glowing the whole day knowing she was going to be married to the man she has waited for all of her life. Her smile was contagious, her joyfulness visible, and the love she...